competition: n. 1.竞争。 2.比赛,竞赛。 3.【生物学】生存竞争。 a boxing competition拳击比赛。 competitionin arms 军备竞赛。 be [stand] in competition with (sb.) for 为…和(某人)竞争。 put (sb.) in [into] competition with ...使(某人)与(另一人)竞争。
When the interests of readers are in competition with the interests of advertisers, the newspapers will protect the advertisers . 在读者的利益与广告户的利益进行竞争时,报纸将保护广告户的利益。
We ' re in competition with four other companies for contract 我们跟其他四家公司竞争那项合约。
Are you in competition with hirm ? 你是不是要跟?竞争呢?
We ' re in competition with several other companies for the contract 我们与另几家公司角逐争取这项合同。
Taking part in competition with reason , step into the world with solidity step 中国皮革与制鞋工业走向世界